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Liquid Bubbles

Abstracted Left Hand

Each year, my work grows and evolves into something bigger, more interesting, and better. As an artist, there is no greater pleasure for me than finding genuine growth and improvement in my projects. As I have grown and matured, so has my art. Below are some of the pieces I recently created in my studio.

A phone call between two people and its just sound waves going in between both ears


Just a black boy jamming to some music


Different patterns with multiple shapes to show how quick things can change in a minute

Move Around

A child puppet being left on a shelf to highlight the next generation being manipulated into different ways.
The world is always in competition and everyone is just waiting to see who comes out on top

Money Wasted

Money being wasted and being played in society like monopoly money

Child's Play


A dedication to Stevie Wonder. One of the greats to make music and sing to the heavens while being blind

Living In Color

If you had the power to change and manipulate an element would you? The human hands have the power to manipulate anything


A three way view of a man in a difficult problem  trying to put the pieces back together

3 Way Tie

Paint was dropped onto a face looking into the darkness

Shadow Maker

An abstract image of a guy just lookng to the sky for help while shattering on the outside

Golden Son

This one is for the broken hearted and the ones that just holding it together.


A haloween classic as a scary clown but this one is more classy

Happy Clown

A bunch of kids living on the same sided of town just riding bikes for fun

Fed Hill Biker

Colin Kaepernick who was fired for kneeling and has done so much for a revoloution for change

Colin Kaepernick

High Key.jpg

High Key

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